
On the 30th May a 13 strong team with the Cheshire fire service engaged at all sites from Trinity St, through Runcorn town to Churchill / Barley Mow and then continued on to Waterloo Road and the surrounding areas in Dukes field, engaging with well over 100 people.

The aim was to make a real difference in spreading the FIRESETTERS message to reduce ASB and Deliberate fires and spread the word for the diversionary activities that Vibe have planned for the next few weeks.

Vibe have received a grant for £10,000 from Halton Youth Grants meaning that Vibe will be regularly setting up Diversionary engagement activities for teenagers in those high activity areas on school holiday weekends, which will hopefully have a great impact on ASB and Deliberate Fires.

Carl Geraghty(Vibe Project Lead) and the team have started already at Mersey Road and Runcorn Hill tand have given a good impression with no Deliberate Fires on Friday or Saturday of the first weekend in those areas.

Carl stated that he and his team engaged with 40 plus youths in order to convey the FIRESETTERS ethos and also find out the engagement activities that they're all interested in for the weeks ahead.


Vibe’s Summer of fun


Vibe are going to Eurovision